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Rock Crystal with Rutile

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Rock crystal is one of the most popular precious stones and it has been known since ancient times. In the past, people were using it mainly for tool and cult objects making. Nowadays, it plays a significant role in jewellery, but also optics and electronics. Rock crystal is the purest limpid variety of crystalline quartz. Under certain conditions, when there is a change in acidity, oxygen partial pressure, carbon dioxide content or the concentration of hydrothermal solutions, other minerals form inside the crystal mass. We call these minerals “trapped” inside the crystal inclusions. This piece from Brazil has inclusions of rutile.

Stone´s uniqueness: The needle-like crystals of rutile influence the colour of each stone. You can find crystals with rutile shading from silver and red-brown to gold. The golden stones are, naturally, the most desired. Sometimes, quite rarely, the stone has golden stars with metallic grey hematite centre in its structure.

Special conditions/ treatment: There is no need for special handling with crystal with rutile.

About the product: The product is packed in firm plastic bags.