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Rubelite AA

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Rubellite is a rare pink variety of tourmaline. The mineral is formed by long crystals. The more transparent pieces with deeper colour are the most valued. You can find its deposits in Mozambique, Madagascar, Brazil or Russia.

The chemical structure of tourmalines is variable with many admixtures in their structure. Rubellite pink colour is influenced by manganese oxides.

To process our rough stones we use special technology, which gives each stone an unusual decorative look. Thanks to this treatment our stones have nice, rounded shapes and smooth surface, which highlights their striking colours and patterns. We process only the best quality raw material, stones with non-standard colour or surface imperfections are removed.

Use: Our rough stones can be both charming interior adornments and decorations for gardens. They are also suitable for mineralogist collections and exhibitions, or even for further processing.

Weight of one piece: aprox. 0.5 - 1.5 kg

About the product: The product is sold by weight; the price is per 1 kg.